PRESS RELEASE: Report on the Ecological Characterization of Sandy Beach
Click the button below to read our latest press release regarding the Sandy Beach situation. Access to the full report can also be found below. (Version française maintenant disponible)*
176-year-old glassworks artifacts recently found in Hudson (Article by Nick Zacharias)
Mayoral Candidates Environmental Debate
Click the following link to watch the mayoral environmental debate that took place on October 27th, 2021. The first 40 minutes is comprised of questions presented by Nature Hudson, which the candidates received in advance. The rest of the debate is comprised of citizen questions. Note: the debate begins 14:50 minutes into the recording.
OR read a brief summary of the debate by John Jantak by clicking the following link:
BREAKING NEWS: Major Update on the Pine Beach Development Project
Click the links below to find out more!
REPORT: Executive Summary of the Ecological Assessment of the Sandy Beach Wetlands and Woodlands:
A biological study conducted by TerraHumana has just been completed. Read below to learn about the study’s findings.
Click the links below to find out more!
Response to draft 30m wetland buffer bylaw
– Hudson Town Council adopted a draft wetland protection by-law in October 2019. It falls short of our call for a temporary moratorium on all development that has the potential to negatively impact our natural areas until a conservation plan has been adopted as a by-law. You can read our response to the by-law here. You can read the Town of Hudson’s draft by-law here.
Residential Developments Petition
– Nature Hudson and a group of concerned Hudson residents launched a petition in the summer of 2019 to press Hudson Town Council to put a temporary moratorium on all residential developments that have the potential to negatively impact natural areas in our town. These sectors were previously identified as conservation areas in the 2017 Town of Hudson Conservation Plan for Wetlands and Natural Areas, which was never adopted.
You can see the areas identified for conservation in Plan 3 – Management and Conservation on the Town of Hudson’s website. These areas are also included on Ducks Unlimited Canada’s Wetland Inventory Map. Read our printable Background and Rationale document to find out more about the petition and why we feel a temporary moratorium is urgently needed.
A big thank you to everyone who signed the petition to protect Hudson’s Natural Areas! The petition is now closed and was submitted to Hudson Town Council on November 4, 2019. Close to 700 Hudson residents signed the petition urging the town to put a temporary moratorium on all development with the potential to negatively impact our natural areas.
The petition and Nature Hudson were featured in an article in Your Local Journal, you can read it here
Climate Crisis Roundtable
– A summary from the CLIMATE CRISIS AND SOLUTION-ORIENTATED ROUND-TABLE DISCUSSIONS held in Hudson on September 16 can be found here, and a summary of the event held in St-Lazare on October 17 can be found here. If you couldn’t attend, or even if you did, it’s a great way to find out big and little ways to combat the climate crisis.
Climate March
Montréal – Crise climatique, manifestation historique
Le 27 septembre, 2019 à midi, on se retrouvera au monument George-Étienne Cartier sur le Mont-Royal à Montréal. Promis, nous, nous y serons.
Le 27 septembre, la planète est en grève. Pas seulement les étudiantes et étudiants, mais aussi les travailleuses, travailleurs, citoyennes, citoyens. Parce que la crise climatique n’épargne personne, nous devons toutes et tous nous mobiliser. Faisons de cette date un moment historique. Celui du véritable changement. Parce qu’il est grand temps que l’on prenne les choses en main.